Goldplat is a profitable, African gold recovery services company with two market leading operations in South Africa and Ghana. Goldplat’s strategy is focussed on utilising its robust cash flow generated from flagship gold recovery operations in Africa to self-fund sustainable growth and expansion of niche gold recovery business model. 

In addition, Goldplat has an experienced board and management team with a proven track record of creating shareholder value through the development of African resource assets into production.

Goldplat Operations:

Goldplat Recovery (Pty) Limited SA - South Africa
A leading, profitable, mature gold recovery business based in South Africa with strong blue-chip client base including Sibanye Stillwater, AngloGold, Pan African Resources PLC and Goldfields. Processes by-products of the mining process including mill liners and wood chips to produce bullion.

Gold Recovery Ghana Limited - Ghana
Goldplat’s junior gold recovery operation in Ghana benefits from its prime location in the west African gold belt. The plant is looking to replicate its successful first South African operation, by continuing to build contracts with major producers in West Africa.